Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook recently confirmed that the messaging service WhatsApp would receive much-awaited features such as disappearing mode, multi-device support and view once in a short amount of time. Interestingly, this information is not dependent on leaks or rumours, rather, the CEO himself confirmed that these features would be rolling out soon. In a unique method to announce this, WaBetaInfo, a site famed for tracking all WhatsApp related updates and information was approached by WhatsApp CEO Will Cathcart and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to discuss some of the upcoming features that are arriving at WhatsApp. The report starts by stating that some days ago WhatsApp reached out to the site to ask if we could move on to WhatsApp to discuss new features that are set to come on the application.

What Do We Know About The Upcoming Features

The users used WhatsApp to chat in a group that featured WhatsApp CEO, Will Cathcart. The site’s author started to site, but it felt weird because it was an amazing experience. The chat started with a message from Will, wherein he thanked the author for his work in reporting news and WhatsApp features. Zuckerberg, in his chat with WaBetaInfo, revealed that WhatsApp was the first global-scale messaging network to roll out end-to-end encryption but, now, the company is planning to roll out additional disappearing features on a global scale. Do note that WhatsApp already has the disappearing message features, but Mark mentioned how unveiling the disappearing mode which can turn on disappearing messages in all the chat threads so that the WhatsApp experience becomes ephemeral. Another new feature that will be rolled out to WhatsApp is the View Once feature, which is somewhat similar to the disappearing messages feature, as, when it is turned on, the message disappears once the person sees it. When Mark was enquired about the multi-device support, he mentioned that it’s been a big technical challenge to get all of the user’s messages and content to sync properly across devices even when their phone battery dies but Facebook has solved this and they are looking forward to getting it out soon. Will Chathart also confirmed that the multi-device support would be rolled out as a public beta in a month or two.

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