Vodafone Idea (Vi), Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), the parent company of Reliance Jio, and Bharti Airtel have seen a surge in the stock price this Monday morning. All of the stocks are currently enjoying the bullish run that’s going in the market. Because of NIFTY and SENSEX touching new highs, the market is seeing a heavy influx of cash as even companies like Vodafone Idea (Vi), which saw its promoters shying off from pushing more capital, is getting money from retail investors. But one of the major gainers Monday morning stands to be Reliance Industries Limited (RIL).

RIL, Vodafone Idea, and Bharti Airtel Stock Price

RIL’s stock price at the time of writing stands to be Rs 2,442, which is 2.24% in the green. Idea’s share (Vi) price is oscillating between Rs 7.25 (no gain) and Rs 7.30 (0.69% gain). Bharti Airtel’s share price is Rs 659, which is 0.08% in the green. While Airtel and Vi aren’t seeing huge gains this morning, they are still in the green. Further, both Airtel and Vi have recently jumped a lot, so these stocks going further above too soon would be a little abnormal. Thus, Vi and Airtel both stand in a very comfortable place at the moment. According to a Business Standard report, the analysts have predicted that RIL stock can trade in the Rs 5,000 levels in one year. The company has already touched its lifetime high of Rs 2,477 on Monday morning in the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), which is 4% in the green. The company had recently made major acquisition announcements, and the rise in stock price is just a follow up to that. With the arrival of 5G, not only RIL but also Bharti Airtel and Vodafone Idea stocks should go on the rise. Because 5G would also open a new revenue segment for the companies, which is enterprise business. The use cases of 5G currently predict that telcos would focus more on the business side than the consumer side in the initial days.

Vodafone Idea  RIL  Airtel Stocks Surge Monday Morning - 98