Instant chatting platform, Telegram has launched new features to enhance the chat experience for the user. These new features are multiple pinned messages, live location 2.0, and alongside all these features, sharing music has been made easier as well. Android users are also going to get a new set of Halloween stickers and animations as well. Another new feature is ‘channel post stats’ which is aimed to help group admins measure how well a particular post or message shared on the group has done. More on the story ahead.

Telegram New Features You Should Know About

The first new feature launched is ‘Live Location 2.0’. With this feature, the user will get an alert whenever a contact who has shared their live location with the user gets closer to them in a 0.5 Km or 1 Km radius. Also, users will be able to see the direction of their movements with the help of a pointed arrow on the screen. Then coming to the other new feature ‘Multiple Pinned Messages’, this will help the admins of a group or a person chatting privately pin all the multiple important messages on the chat. With the help of a button that is present on the top right corner of the chat section, users can tap to see all the pinned messages on a separate screen. Talking about ‘Playlists’ feature, users can now send multiple songs at the same time to their contacts as a playlist. Whenever users select multiple audio files to share, it will automatically convert into a playlist. Lastly, there is another feature called ‘Channel Post Stats’ added. This feature is specially made in mind keeping the needs of admins of groups. With the help of this feature, admins can monitor the performance of specific messages and see how many views and number of times the message was forwarded to other channels. Along with this, the users also get an all-new set of Halloween animated emojis and a special slot machine emoji for a better chatting experience.

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