Poco time and again comes out with new budget smartphones. The latest smartphone which was launched by Poco in India was Poco M2 Pro last month. The Poco M2 Pro was launched with Snapdragon 720G, 33W fast-charging support and more features for just Rs 13,999. Now the Chinese smartphone manufacturer is soon going to come out with yet another smartphone. There is no confirmation from Poco about the name of the new device or the date on which it is slated to launch. But there is one thing, the smartphone might give OnePlus Nord a strong competition.

New Poco Device to be a Threat for OnePlus Nord

OnePlus Nord was launched on July 21 in three different variants. The two variants of the smartphone with 8GB+128GB and 12GB+256GB were supposed to go on sale from August 4, 2020, but the date was postponed to August 6, 2020. Angus Kai Ho Ng, the global spokesperson for Poco tweeted, “OnePlus Nord or….wait for the new Poco?” This tweet had a hashtag - #POCOcomingsoon. To this, the official account of Poco also replied and confirmed that a new device will be making its way to the market very soon. There are some speculations about the new device from Poco being the Poco F2. But there is no solid information to confirm this. But it could be another smartphone - Poco C3. Some details about the Poco C3 were spotted in the Bluetooth SIG listings. It carries the model number M2006C3MI. An interesting thing to note is that the model number of Redmi 9C isn’t much different from that of C3’s. Redmi 9C’s model number is M2006C3MG. This could mean if the new smartphone that was hinted in the tweet is Poco C3, then it could be the rebranded version of Redmi 9C. The only thing is, Poco C3 will be priced way too lower than the OnePlus Nord. So there is a good chance that the new smartphone hinted isn’t Poco C3. But there is one thing which could happen and that is the new Poco device could be a rebranded version of a Redmi device.

Poco Teases New Smartphone to Compete With OnePlus Nord - 45