Clubhouse, an invite-only social audio app, has recently crossed 1 million downloads on the Android Play Store. This comes in less than a week of the app’s launch on the Google Play Store for Android users. The clubhouse was originally launched exclusively for iPhones in March 2020. Since then, the app has crossed 10 million downloads on Apple’s App Store. The audio, social networking app has since then grasped the attention of people all over the world, especially in the tech world, thanks to the support from industry leaders like Tesla’s Elon Musk and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. The clubhouse is also reportedly working on introducing a payments feature on its Android App.

More on the Clubhouse App

Clubhouse App works in a unique invite-only system where new users can only gain access to the app if they are invited by existing users. Even after the app was launched on Google Play Store on May 21 and is now available for both Android and iOS, the invite-only system still prevails. It took Clubhouse four days to cross the 1 Million mark on the Android platform. However, Clubhouse App will only be compatible with devices running Android 8.0 or later versions of Android. Clubhouse’s decision to launch on the Android platform comes after it saw a stagnant increase in downloads on Apple’s App Store. A report by apps analytics firm Sensor Tower claimed that the app saw a diminishing curve for its iOS app downloads. Following this, Clubhouse had launched a public beta earlier this month for its Android app. This public beta app was exclusively for US android users. The drop in the number of downloads of the app on the iOS App store raised questions about the future viability of Clubhouse. It has also raised questions about whether the app’s success was linked to people being stuck at home amidst the lockdown situation due to the pandemic.

Companies Launching Their Versions of the Audio Only Product in the Market

Owing to the popularity that an audio-only social app has gained, social media platforms are now launching their own versions of it. Apps like Twitter, Discord, Reddit and Telegram have launched their versions, namely – Twitter Spaces, Discord Stage Channel, Reddit Talk and Telegram Voice Chats 2.0, respectively. Instagram has also joined the already heating competition with its Live Rooms feature, which allows up to four people to engage in real-time broadcasts. Users of the Live Room feature will now be able to mute their audio and switch off their video while using the feature.

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