Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), a major multiplayer game, was removed from Google’s Play Store as well as Apple’s App Store for the Indian geography. It left several million fans of the game super unhappy. However, the company has hinted that it could very well make a comeback in the Indian market. There are some tutorial videos on BGMI’s Indian website. A total of four new videos have been uploaded to the BGMI in the support section. What’s interesting is that a few of these videos were uploaded only a couple of hours back. BGMI fans can check out these videos on the website of company under the support section. The videos were uploaded to a new channel named ‘Krafton Player Support’. This channel was only created on September 29, 2022, and new videos have been uploaded. But you can’t watch the videos on the channel as they are not publicly visible. This means that the company hasn’t released them publicly, and the videos are unlisted at the moment. The presence of these videos means one thing - the game might be near to making an official comeback. You can watch the videos on the website of BGMI for now.

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