In the recently concluded ‘One More Thing’ event, Apple has launched the new Macs with the in-house designed silicon chipset. The Cupertino tech giant has launched a new 13-inch MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and Mac mini with the ‘M1’ silicon chipset. In addition to the new Macs and the chipset, Apple has also announced the release date for macOS Big Sur which is this Thursday, i.e., November 12, 2020. The new M1 chipset from Apple is simply more efficient and powerful than the previous Intel chipsets. Let’s take a detailed look into everything that Apple announced today.

Apple Silicon Chipset M1

The ‘M1’ silicon chipset designed by Apple is built in the 5-nanometer process. The M1 comes with an 8-core CPU which consists of 4 high-performance cores and 4 high-efficiency cores. For faster graphics processing, there is an 8-core GPU with worlds fastest integrated graphics. There is a 16-core neural engine in the Apple M1 and Secure Enclave which substitutes the T2 security chipset from Macs. After the launch of M1, no extra chipsets are required by Macs anymore. Everything right from CPU, GPU, and security is integrated into one SoC.

Apple 13-inch MacBook Air

The new 13-inch MacBook Air doesn’t come with any change in the design. But its performance has been bumped up several times by the Apple M1. It is 3.5x faster than the previous generation MacBook Air and will provide a 5-times faster graphics experience to the user. Editing a 4K video can be done without dropping a single frame in the new MacBook Air. With Apple M1 powering it, the MacBook Air becomes 98% faster than all the other laptops being sold in the market. SSD performance has been improved by 2x, and the MacBook Air still comes with a fan-less design. The battery performance of the new MacBook Air has been improved by 6 hours than the previous generation model and now offers 18 hours of video playback. The MacBook Air retains the 13-inch Retina display but now offers more colours and comes with Touch ID. The new 13-inch MacBook Air is priced at Rs 92,900 (base model) and will be available from November 17, 2020, in India.

Apple 13-inch MacBook Pro

The new 13-inch MacBook Pro also doesn’t get a change in design. However, with the Apple M1, the MacBook Pro offers a 2.8x faster GPU performance and 11x times machine learning. There is a new studio-quality three mic array which will improve the quality of audio for recording and video calls. Another major change in the MacBook Pro with the Apple M1 is in its battery life. The new 13-inch MacBook Pro offers a video playback of 20 hours which is 10 hours more than the previous generation model. Price of the new 13-inch MacBook Pro is Rs 1,22,900 (base model) and will start selling in India from November 17, 2020.

Mac mini

The all-new Mac mini has also been announced with the Apple M1 chipset. The new Mac mini offers 3x faster CPU performance than the previous quad-core version and renders graphics 6x faster. The machine learning performance also grows by 15 times. The new Mac mini with Apple M1 chipset is priced at Rs 64,900 and will also be selling from November 17, 2020, in India. All the new Macs are available for pre-ordering from today in India.

Apple Launches MacBook Air  MacBook Pro and Mac mini With Silicon Chipset M1 - 1