Apple Homepod Features Overview Apple’ smart speaker has finally made its way to the Indian market at a reasonable price of Rs 19,900. Yesterday, Apple released iOS 13.3.3 update and the changelog of the update showed ‘Support for Indian English Siri voices for Homepod.’ This clearly indicated the launch of Homepod is right around the corner and the official website now has a listing of the company’s first smart speaker. Moving onto the exterior view, the Apple Homepod measures 172 mm high and 142 mm wide. It weighs 2.5 kgs and comes in two colour options- Space Grey and White. As for the audio technology, it features a woofer with a custom amplifier and has an array of seven tweeters each with its own custom amplifier. Furthermore, the Homepod has six-microphones for activation Siri from far-field. Apple users can seamlessly play audio via Apple Music, Apple Podcasts and so on. Homepod also has support for AirPlay from iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple TV or Mac. Connectivity options on the Homepod include Wi-Fi 802.11ac with MIMO, Bluetooth 5.0 and multi-room speaker support with AirPlay 2. It has Apple A8 chip inside which helps in offering features like signal processing, real-time studio-level processing and so on. Apple Homepod Pricing in India The Apple Homepod comes in a single variant and it is priced at Rs 19,900. The Cupertino-based company is yet to reveal the official availability, but we are expecting it to be available for purchase in the next two-three weeks. Apple is also rumoured to be working on Homepod 2 as well which is expected to be launched later this year.

Apple Homepod Officially Announced in India for Rs 19 990 - 69