Act Fibernet, the third largest broadband service provider in India has hiked broadband prices in the range of Rs 21 to Rs 50 across selected cities in the country. The company with a subscriber base of 1.54 million as of January 31, 2020 has issued a notification to its users on Thursday over the price hike. In Chennai, the Act Fibernet plans have been increased by Rs 21 while the company plans in Hyderabad has been hiked by Rs 25. Further, the broadband plans of Act Fibernet in Delhi has been hiked by Rs 50.

Act Fibernet Hikes Broadband Prices Across India

In an email notification, Act Fibernet said that its broadband plans had constant prices despite increased cost of operations which has led to the company increasing prices of its plans. “We have kept prices constant over the past few years, despite significant cost increases and investments for superior internet experience,” the company said in the email. “In addition, our sector has also seen unprecedented challenges over last few years, leading to increased cost of operations.” Additionally, the company highlighted that it has continued to invest in upgrading its technology, network, data centres, last mile fibre connectivity and multi-platform customer support centres. Act Fibernet said that the increased prices would reflect on the monthly bills of its users beginning June 1, 2020. As of press time on Friday, the company has not updated its plans on its website. With the Rs 21 hike on its broadband plans in Chennai, the Act Basic, an entry level plan could see a new price of Rs 820 beginning June 1. The Act Basic plan is currently listed at Rs 799 with the plan enabling users to browse at 50 Mbps speed upto its 200 GB monthly limit. Act Fibernet’s base plan in Hyderabad, A-Max 500 could reflect a new price of Rs 525 beginning June 1 from its existing price of Rs 500.

Act Fibernet Witnessed 40% Increase in Data Traffic in March

In early May, the company reported that it witnessed a 40% peak increase in data traffic in March. It has to be noted that Act Fibernet provided a free upgrade to 300 Mbps speed with unlimited fair usage policy (FUP) to its users since the second week of March. Initially, the company said that the free upgrade would be valid till the end of March but Act Fibernet extended the offer to the end of April.

ACT Fibernet Hikes Broadband Prices Between Rs 21 to Rs 50 Across Selected Cities - 98